Abby Wright                                                                                                                                                                                  

Andrew Logan NTU Live Project

The Brief:
A new collaboration with fashion designer Stella McCartney has brought his Wearable Art pieces to the runway once again. How can we create opportunities for new audiences to engage with Andrew’s work and be inspired an transformed by his vivid history and uplifting and revolutionary values?

The Concept:
We chose to elevate the existing ‘Home Heroes crafting kit’ that was created during lockdown for young children and their families. Our concept was to encourage younger generations to find bliss and contentment in Andrew’s uplifting philosophy, inspiring them to craft and create with joy and fulfilment.

The Outcome:
We created a ‘Wearable Wonder’ craft kit that offers the chance to make your own piece of wearable art inspired by Andrew and his work. As a team we decided to create this as a more affordable way for a younger generation to gain access to Andrew Logan, his history and his work. Led by current trends and secondary research, we made a box that included all of the elements needed to make a piece of wearable art, even making pieces ourselves to help understand what was needed. This helped us bond as a team, relax during a busy time at university and learn more about Andrew, which was a feeling we wanted to encapsulate and offer to others through the ‘Wearable Wonder’ box. 


Secondary and primary research, concept development, photoshop, photography. 

Click here to see the pitch presentation we delivered to the client.