Abby Wright                                                                                                                                                                                  

Is This Real?
Exhibition Plan and Social Media Campaign

Student Project

The Brief:
Addressing the problem creative people feel the need to escape from the turbulent world created by the polycrisis. How can art movements such as surrealism address a desire for freedom and escapism for these individuals? I identified two key themes within my research into surrealism, unexpected juxtapositions and unruly disruptions, these have been intertwined within the conception of the outcomes. 

The Concept:

Throughout this project, surrealism has been at the core of the creative process. The overarching idea was to create a feeling of freedom and escapism by evoking curiosity and provoking the individual interpretation of visuals that are unexpected, unruly and disruptive. With the resurgence of surrealism as a trend, I realised this concept was valuable in enabling the development of an exhibition which could harness new technologies in the context of escapism and in relation to fashion and surrealism. 

The Outcome:
The final outcome of this project consisted of an unexpected and unruly exhibition, posters, and social media campaign to promote the exhibition. The exhibition begins where a normal exhibition would end with an immersive, unexpected room that includes VR headsets showing life size lobsters walking around the room. Continuing throughout the exhibition, the next space is filled with a fashion runway show set up with holographic models strutting along the stage. The next two sections are 360 degree immersive spaces surrounding the viewer with images from photographers Man Ray and Paul Kooiker. 

Secondary research and gaining a wide understanding of surrealism as an art movement, editing using photoshop, experimenting with AI softwares such as Adobe Firefly and concept creation.

Feedback: The overall visual approach to this piece of work is excellent, in particular the choice of visuals and the way they have been presented in full pages etc. Your outcomes have been well realised in detail and you have shown consideration for how this would come into being, in particular within the PR area where your understanding of the importance of the linked comms pathway has really been well used. Overall you should be incredibly pleased with a beautiful piece of work. Your strong visual literacy and obvious passion for the arts has shone in this submission.