Abby Wright                                                                                                                                                                                  

Fashion Anthropology Exhibition:
The Fashion Mindset Podcast

Student Project

The Brief: 
A research project into an area or interest within Fashion Identity which is then collated with other team members interest to create an outcome for an exhibition. 

The Concept: 
The concept behind our podcast was an informal discussion of what each person in the group had researched, giving each topic an episode in which we discussed opinions, history, cultural and societal views. 

The Outcome: 
The outcome of this project consisted of four podcasts each with a focus on the fashion obsession we had researched and chosen. I chose to discuss Scandinavian Style, thinking about whether it was ‘cool’ and what ‘cool’ means to different people. 

Editing the podcast, photography, secondary and primary research. 

Link to the podcast: