Abby Wright                                                                                                                                                                                  

Publishing Experimental Formats:
Touchy Feely Publication

Student Project

The Brief:
To create an experimental publication from two ‘touchy feely’ emotions and bring them to life.
The emotions I was given were Euphoric and Deflated.

The Concept:
This publication is inspired by a sugar high, the euphoria of eating the sweet and then the deflation of a sugar crash. This is depicted though a medical prescription style publication, the breaking of the sweets throughout the day represents the comedown people experience when the effects of sugar wear off. 

The Outcome: The realisation of the concept came in the form of six ‘pages’ of melted sweets vacuum packed into a medical prescription style format and pieced together. Each ‘packet’ includes a barcode, a warning stating ‘this can cause increased euphoria and result in an intense sense of deflation’, as well as the time of day in which to take the ‘drug’.

Secondary research, photography, concept creator, creating visuals, layout and design.

Feedback from Joe Pielichaty:
“Just this one specialist piece of technology that you’re going to work with, you’ve executed that one method really really well. It’s confident to be able to do that.”

Feedback from peers: 
“Amazingly experimental”