Abby Wright                                                                                                                                                                                  

Who Am I? 

︎ Passions: I love going to exhibitions and engaging with the art world in new and interesting ways. I also love discovering new artists and learning about their journey whether that is through an visiting an exhibition or my own research. As a child I was always very creative whether that was through painting, drawing, or sewing. This has continued into my adult life as I love creating things for myself and others. 

I also am passionate about fashion, having studied it for three years at university. My passion for fashion ranges from the garment itself to the exciting and intriguing ways in which it is communicated. My favourite brands and designers include Loewe as I love their visual communications and the slightly surreal way in which they show imagery. I also love Ganni, from their commitment to creating a more sustainable brand to the Scandinavian influence on their clothing.

As a creative individual with a passion for heritage and the arts, I believe the arts should be shared with everyone, especially those who may not have had previous exposure. I would love to be able to encourage young people to see the wonder of creativity and inspire them to engage with the arts in exciting ways.

︎ What I love: I really enjoy travelling and experiencing new culture and places. My favourite place that I have been to is Copenhagen. I was fortunate enough to go for a few days during the summer of 2023 and adored the city, most importantly I loved admiring the Scandinavian style I had studied previously that year. 

I also love people watching, its fascinating to me that we all have our own lives and each person walking past has a story. I enjoy learning about people and their life stories, taking myself away from my reality and stepping into theirs. 

As most people do nowadays, I love charity shopping. Not only does it align with my sustainability values but I love the idea of giving something a second life and a new home, continuing the items story. 

︎ Values:
I value trust and loyalty within myself and the people that I am working with. I strongly that when working in a team everyones voices and opinions should be heard, and that we are all equal therefore should treat each other with respect. 

I value trust and loyalty within myself and the people that I am working with. I strongly believe that when working in a team everyone’s voices and opinions should be heard, we are all equal therefore respect is fundamental to a team. I value curiosity in myself and others: childlike wonder is important to encourage creativity in adults. I would consider myself an optimistic person and always try to encourage optimism in my peers and teammates.

Contact Information: 

︎ Email:
︎ Telephone Number: 07860221356
